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Vidar Skrede

Betty Strong Encounter Center
Sioux City, IA 

Peer Gynt

Bradley Symphony Center
212 W. Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, WI

Peer Gynt

Bradley Symphony Center
212 W. Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, WI

Peer Gynt

Bradley Symphony Center
212 W. Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, WI

Vidar & Patrik

Gretchen’s House
2340 Oak Valley Dr
Ann Arbor, MI

Lynx Lynx – Nordic Music Fest – Victoria, MN

Victoria Lions Park 8339 Victoria Dr, Victoria, MN, United States

Come rain or shine to the 13th annual festival of music, dance, culture, food, & traditions from Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, & Denmark. Lynx Lynx will perform: 1:30 pm @ Lena Stage and 3:15 pm @ Ole Stage.
