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Vidar & Brett Lipshutz

Villa Terrace
2220 N. Terrace Ave
Milwaukee, WI

Nordic Fiddling Workshop – Northfield, MN

Northfield Arts Guild 304 Division Street, Northfield, MN, United States

The workshop will focus primarily on fiddling (“flat” fiddling, not hardingfele). Other melody players are welcome. (Accompanying musicians may participate with the understanding that the workshop will be geared to melody.) After the workshop we’ll move across the alley to The Contented Cow(302B Division), where all are welcome to sit in at the Northern Roots […]



Fargo, ND

Fiddle and Rhythm Workshop

Byron's Place Lawrence, KS, United States

10:00 AM (1.5 h) Rhythm Session 12:00 PM Lunch 1:00 PM  (1.5 h) Regular fiddle session For more info and attendance, contact: Byron at 841-2829 or 

Scandinavian Winter Party – Julebukk

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Lawrence 1263 N 1100 Rd, Lawrence, KS, United States

Potluck, music, and dance with Ingevalds Spelmän!

The Newlands Co-op

West Denmark Lutheran Church
2478 170th Street
Luck, WI 

The Newlands Co-op

The Contented Cow
302B Division Street South
Northfield, MN